
Kaum Aad, Menara Babel, Atlantis, Atlas, Adityas (Devas) dan kaum Tsamud

Bagi saya pribadi cerita mengenai kaum Aad di dalam Al-Qur'an mengandung banyak pertanyaan yang harus dipecahkan. Bahkan ditemukannya sebuah kota di daerah 
Shisr, Arab Selatan yang diduga adalah kota "Iram" (nama kota kaum Aad di Al Qur'an) pada sekitar tahun 1990-an oleh tim  Nicholas Clapp tetap tidak begitu meyakinkan saya :

Di sebutkan di dalam Al-Qur'an bahwa kota kaum Aad disebut sebagai kota "Iram" dan terkenal karena bangunan-bangunan pilarnya yang sangat tinggi dan belum pernah dibangun oleh bangsa manapun di muka bumi ini :

Al-Qur'an Surat Al-Fajr (6-8)
6. Apakah kamu tidak memperhatikan bagaimana Tuhanmu berbuat terhadap kaum 'Aad?
7. (yaitu) penduduk Iram yang mempunyai bangunan-bangunan yang tinggi,
8. yang belum pernah dibangun (suatu kota) seperti itu, di negeri-negeri lain,

Kalau melihat rekonstruksi gambar kota Shisr maka menara-menaranya tidaklah terlalu tinggi jadi kurang meyakinkan kalau kota itu adalah kota Iram  :

Thomas menyatakan bahwa reruntuhan di dekat sumur Ash Shisur hanyalah sebuah benteng yang diperkirakannya hanya berumur ratusan tahun saja.
Thomas dismissed the ruins at the well of Ash Shisur as a ‘rude’ fort which he took to be only a few hundred years old.

Juris Zarins (arkeolog) menyatakan bahwa situs Shisr bukanlah kota Ubar(Iram), dan H Stewart Edgell (Geolog) menyatakan bahwa data NASA yang digunakan tim itu menyesatkan dan situs itu hanyalah sumur yang terisolasi yang dibangun sebuah bangunan mirip benteng oleh beberapa orang (keluarga) saja.
When interviewed by PBS for their Nova in 1996 Zarins said they had found the lost city of Ubar. Later Zarins concluded that Shisr did not represent a city called Ubar[5] and in a 2000 publication he suggested that modern Habarut may be the site of Ubar.[6]

In 2002 geology professor H Stewart Edgell reported that the NASA data used by the team was misleading and that the site was simply an isolated waterhole, and that the alleged fortress was a small building used by a few families at most.[7]

Kemungkinan kalau dari referensi buku "The Road to Ubar: Finding the Atlantis of the Sands", usia situs Shisr menurut Carbon Dating antara 60-110 SM. Ini bahkan lebih muda dari periode Nabi Sulaiman AS (sekitar 1000 SM). Kaum Aad seharusnya lebih tua dari kaum Nabi Sulaiman AS :

The Road to Ubar: Finding the Atlantis of the Sands, Nicholas Clapp, page 151

"The triliths of the Vale of Remembrance were as old as the People of 'Ad. 
Ali Achmed showed us where, the year before, he had dug beneath two of them and
discovered ash, and --via an English friend -- sent it off for carbon dating.
His ash samples dated to 60 and 110 B.C. (plus or minus approximately one hundred years)."

Untuk menganalisa lebih dalam mengenai kaum Aad mari kita lihat ayat-ayat mengenai kaum Aad di dalam Al-Qur'an :
Apakah kamu (tidak percaya) dan heran bahwa datang kepadamu peringatan dari Tuhanmu yang dibawa oleh seorang laki-laki di antaramu untuk memberi peringatan kepadamu? Dan ingatlah oleh kamu sekalian di waktu Allah menjadikan kamu sebagai pengganti-pengganti (yang berkuasa) sesudah lenyapnya kaum Nuh, dan Tuhan telah melebihkan kekuatan tubuh dan perawakanmu. Maka ingatlah nikmat-nikmat Allah supaya kamu mendapat keberuntungan. (QS Al-A'raf:69) Adapun kaum 'Aad maka mereka menyombongkan diri di muka bumi tanpa alasan yang benar dan berkata: "Siapakah yang lebih besar kekuatannya dari kami?" Dan apakah mereka itu tidak memperhatikan bahwa Allah Yang menciptakan mereka adalah lebih besar kekuatan-Nya daripada mereka? Dan adalah mereka mengingkari tanda-tanda (kekuatan) Kami. (QS Al-Fushilat:15)

Al-Qur'an Al-Fajr (6-8)

6. Apakah kamu tidak memperhatikan bagaimana Tuhanmu berbuat terhadap kaum 'Aad?
7. (yaitu) penduduk Iram yang mempunyai bangunan-bangunan yang tinggi,
8. yang belum pernah dibangun (suatu kota) seperti itu, di negeri-negeri lain,

Dan juga pada (kisah) Aad ketika Kami kirimkan kepada mereka angin yang membinasakan, angin itu tidak membiarkan satupun yang dilaluinya, melainkan dijadikannya seperti serbuk.(QS. adz-Dzariyat : 41-42)

Adapun kaum ‘Aad maka mereka telah dibinasakan dengan angin yang sangat dingin lagi amat kencang (QS. al-Haqqah : 6)

Jika mereka berpaling, maka katakanlah, “Aku telah memperingatkan kamu dengan petir, seperti petir yang menimpa kaum ‘Ad dan Samud”. (QS. Fushshilat : 13).

Adapun kaum 'Aad maka mereka menyombongkan diri di muka bumi tanpa alasan yang benar dan berkata: "Siapakah yang lebih besar kekuatannya dari kami?" Dan apakah mereka itu tidak memperhatikan bahwa Allah Yang menciptakan mereka adalah lebih besar kekuatan-Nya daripada mereka? Dan adalah mereka mengingkari tanda-tanda (kekuatan) Kami. (QS Al-Fushilat:15)

Maka Kami meniupkan angin yang amat gemuruh kepada mereka dalam beberapa hari yang sial, karena Kami hendak merasakan kepada mereka itu siksaan yang menghinakan dalam kehidupan dunia. Dan Sesungguhnya siksa akhirat lebih menghinakan sedang mereka tidak diberi pertolongan.(QS. Fushshilat :16).

Al-Qur'an Asy-Syu'araa (128-130)

128. Apakah kamu mendirikan pada tiap-tiap tanah tinggi bangunan untuk bermain-main
129. dan kamu membuat benteng-benteng dengan maksud supaya kamu kekal (di dunia)?
130. Dan apabila kamu menyiksa, maka kamu menyiksa sebagai orang-orang kejam dan bengis.

Adapun kaum Ad maka mereka telah dibinasakan dengan angin yang sangat dingin lagi amat kencang, yang Allah menimpakan angin itu kepada mereka selama tujuh malam dan delapan hari terus menerus; maka kamu lihat kaum Ad pada waktu itu mati bergelimpangan seakan-akan mereka tunggul-tunggul pohon kurma yang telah kosong (lapuk). 
(QS Al-Haqqah : 6-7)

Jadi kalau saya bisa rangkum berikut ini adalah deskripsi kaum Aad :
  1. Pewaris/penerus kaum Nabi Nuh AS
  2. Mempunyai fisik raksasa (besar)
  3. Membangun bangunan-bangunan yang sangat tinggi yang belum pernah dibangun oleh bangsa lain di muka bumi ini
  4. Sombong, arogan dan suka menyiksa bangsa lain
  5. Dihancurkan oleh angin dan petir selama 7 malam, 8 hari berturut-turut sehingga menjadi serbuk/debu

Poin nomor 3 ini menurut saya sangat menarik karena sepertinya mirip dengan mitologi bangunan tertinggi dunia yaitu mitologi menara babel.  Mitologi ini juga disebut di dalam bible Genesis Chapter 11 tepat setelah kejadian banjir besar. Disebutkan bahwa dulu hanya ada satu bahasa, dan kemudian manusia pergi ke arah timur dan mendirikan sebuah menara yang sangat tinggi di sebuah tempat yang bernama Shinar.

Genesis Chapter 11

1 And the whole earth was of one language and of one speech.

2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.

3 And they said one to another: 'Come, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly.' And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar.

4 And they said: 'Come, let us build us a city, and a tower, with its top in heaven, and let us make us a name; lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.'

Menurut Book of Jubilee menara babel ini mempunyai tinggi  2,484 meter :

And they began to build, and in the fourth week they made brick with fire, and the bricks served them for stone, and the clay with which they cemented them together was asphalt which comes out of the sea, and out of the fountains of water in the land of Shinar. And they built it: forty and three years were they building it; its breadth was 203 bricks, and the height [of a brick] was the third of one; its height amounted to 5433 cubits and 2 palms, and [the extent of one wall was] thirteen stades [and of the other thirty stades]. (Jubilees 10:20-21, Charles' 1913 translation) 

The Book of Jubilees mentions the tower's height as being 5,433 cubits and 2 palms, or 2,484 m (8,150 ft), about three times the height of Burj Khalifa, or roughly 1.6 miles high. The Third Apocalypse of Baruch mentions that the 'tower of strife' reached a height of 463 cubits, or 211.8 m (695 ft), taller than any structure built in human history until the construction of the Eiffel Tower in 1889, which is 324 m (1,063 ft) in height.

Kalau kita bandingkan bangunan tertinggi di dunia saat ini adalah Burj Khalifa di Dubai yang tingginya hanya 829.8 meter dan baru dibangun tahun 2010 :

Tinggi Gunung Merapi adalah sekitar 2,930 meter dihitung dari permukaan laut.

Jadi kira-kira menara babel itu (2,484 meter) tinggi nya agak lebih pendek sedikit dari Gunung Merapi (2,930 meter), namun sekitar 3 kali tinggi menara Burj Khalifa di Dubai (829.8 meter). Bangunannya pasti sampai menembus awan. Kalau benar kaum Aad yang membuatnya mungkin inilah yang membuat mereka sombong.

Dulu sekitar pertengahan tahun 1990-an sempat ada rancangan beberapa insinyur Jepang untuk membuat  XSeed 4000 bangunan bertingkat 800 dengan ketinggian 4,000 meter, namun proyek ini tidak diwujudkan mungkin karena alasan finansial dan teknis.

Mitologi menara babel ini ternyata juga terdapat di berbagai suku di seluruh penjuru dunia :
Another story, attributed by the native historian Fernando de Alva Cortés Ixtlilxóchitl (c. 1565 - 1648) to the ancient Toltecs, states that after men had multiplied following a great deluge, they erected a tall zacuali or tower, to preserve themselves in the event of a second deluge. However, their languages were confounded and they went to separate parts of the earth.

Still another story, attributed to the Tohono O'odham Indians, holds that Montezuma escaped a great flood, then became wicked and attempted to build a house reaching to heaven, but the Great Spirit destroyed it with thunderbolts. (Bancroft, vol. 3, p. 76; also in History of Arizona)

According to David Livingstone, the Africans whom he met living near Lake Ngami in 1849 had such a tradition, but with the builders' heads getting "cracked by the fall of the scaffolding" (Missionary Travels, chap. 26).

In his 1918 book, Folklore in the Old Testament, Scottish social anthropologist Sir James George Frazer documented similarities between Old Testament stories, such as the Flood, and indigenous legends around the world. He identified Livingston's account with a tale found in Lozi mythology, wherein the wicked men build a tower of masts to pursue the Creator-God, Nyambe, who has fled to Heaven on a spider-web, but the men perish when the masts collapse. He further relates similar tales of the Ashanti that substitute a pile of porridge pestles for the masts. Frazer moreover cites such legends found among the Kongo people, as well as in Tanzania, where the men stack poles or trees in a failed attempt to reach the moon.[26] He further cited the Karbi and Kuki people of Assam as having a similar story. The traditions of the Karen people of Myanmar, which Frazer considered to show clear 'Abrahamic' influence, also relate that their ancestors migrated there following the abandonment of a great pagoda in the land of the Karenni 30 generations from Adam, when the languages were confused and the Karen separated from the Karenni. He notes yet another version current in the Admiralty Islands where mankind's languages are confused following a failed attempt to build houses reaching to heaven.

Traces of a somewhat similar story have also been reported among the Tharu of Nepal and northern India (Report of the Census of Bengal, 1872, p. 160).

The Babylonian account, as transmitted by Abydenus, tells that once men “built a high tower where now is Babylon, and when it was already close to heaven, the gods sent winds and ruined the entire scheme. . . . and men, having till then been all of the same speech, received [now] from the gods many languages.”

[The tradition that fire from heaven destroyed the tower is also a feature of some of the Meso-American accounts, e.g., the legend recorded by Pedro de los Rios concerning the foundation of the pyramid of Cholula in Mexico. After the waters of the Deluge had receded, one of the survivors came to Cholula, where he began to build a large structure. “It was his purpose to raise the mighty edifice to the clouds, but the gods, offended at his presumption, hurled the fire of heaven down on the pyramid, many of the workmen perished, and the building remained unfinished.” (J. G. Frazer, Folk Lore in the Old Testament Vol. I [London, 1918].
Another Mexican tradition, recorded by Diego Duran in 1579 (Historia de las Indias de Nueva Espana y las Islas de Tierra Firme I [Mexico, 1867], pp. 6ff.) tells of giants who built a tower that almost reached the heavens, when it was destroyed by a thunderbolt.].

On the island of Hao, part of the Puamotu (or Tuamotu) islands in Polynesia, the people used to tell that after a great flood the sons of Rata, who survived, made an attempt to erect a building by which they could reach the sky and see the creator god Vatea (or Atea). “But the god in anger chased the builders away, broke down the building, and changed their language, so that they spoke divers tongues.”

Kaum Aad dimusnahkan oleh angin yang maha dahsyat yang dikirim oleh Allah SWT :

Adapun kaum ‘Aad maka mereka telah dibinasakan dengan angin yang sangat dingin lagi amat kencang (QS. al-Haqqah [69]: 6)

Dan juga pada (kisah) Aad ketika Kami kirimkan kepada mereka angin yang membinasakan, angin itu tidak membiarkan satupun yang dilaluinya, melainkan dijadikannya seperti serbuk.(QS. adz-Dzariyat : 41 dan 42)

Maka Kami meniupkan angin yang amat gemuruh kepada mereka dalam beberapa hari yang sial, karena Kami hendak merasakan kepada mereka itu siksaan yang menghinakan dalam kehidupan dunia. Dan Sesungguhnya siksa akhirat lebih menghinakan sedang mereka tidak diberi pertolongan.(QS. Fushshilat :16).

Dan dari beberapa referensi Menara Babel itupun dihancurkan oleh angin  :
However, in other sources such as the Book of Jubilees (chapter 10 v.18-27), Cornelius Alexander (frag. 10), Abydenus (frags. 5 and 6), Josephus (Antiquities 1.4.3), and the Sibylline Oracles (iii. 117-129), God overturns the tower with a great wind.

Ini referensi-referensi lain yang menyatakan Menara Babel itu hancur oleh angin :

Many of the sources which recount the destruction of the Tower of Babel maintain, in close accord with the Mexican account, that the catastrophe was caused by a violent wind. Thus the Sibyl is said to have prophecied:
When are fulfilled the threats of the great God With which he threatened men, when formerly In the Assyrian land they built a tower, And all were of one speech, and wished to rise Even till they climbed unto the starry heaven, Then the Immortal raised a mighty wind And laid upon them strong necessity; For when the wind threw down the mighty tower, Then rose among mankind fierce strife and hate. One speech was changed into many dialects, And earth was filled with divers tribes and kings.

The Babylonian account, as transmitted by Abydenus, tells that once men “built a high tower where now is Babylon, and when it was already close to heaven, the gods sent winds and ruined the entire scheme. . . . and men, having till then been all of the same speech, received [now] from the gods many languages.” 

Selain angin, Allah SWT juga mengirim petir untuk menghancurkan kaum Aad :

Jika mereka berpaling, maka katakanlah, “Aku telah memperingatkan kamu dengan petir, seperti petir yang menimpa kaum ‘Ad dan Samud”. (QS. Fushshilat : 13).

Dan kejadian ini menara yang dihancurkan oleh petir ternyata masih tercatat di beberapa mitologi :

Other accounts give the impression that a strong electrical discharge—possibly from an overcharged ionosphere—found a contact body in the high structure. According to a tradition known to the twelfth century traveler Benjamin of Tudela, “fire from heaven fell in the midst of the tower and broke it asunder.”

Tractate Sanhedrin XI (fol. 109A) of Seder Nezikin, transl. by H. Freedman, ed by I. Epstein (London, 1935), p. 748. [The tradition that fire from heaven destroyed the tower is also a feature of some of the Meso-American accounts, e.g., the legend recorded by Pedro de los Rios concerning the foundation of the pyramid of Cholula in Mexico. After the waters of the Deluge had receded, one of the survivors came to Cholula, where he began to build a large structure. “It was his purpose to raise the mighty edifice to the clouds, but the gods, offended at his presumption, hurled the fire of heaven down on the pyramid, many of the workmen perished, and the building remained unfinished.” (J. G. Frazer, Folk Lore in the Old Testament Vol. I [London, 1918]. Frazer adds that “It is said that at the time of the Spanish conquest the inhabitants of Cholula preserved with great veneration a large aerolite, which according to them was the very thunderbolt that fell on the pyramid and set it on fire.” Cf. E. B. Tylor, Anahuac p. 277. Another Mexican tradition, recorded by Diego Duran in 1579 (Historia de las Indias de Nueva Espana y las Islas de Tierra Firme I [Mexico, 1867], pp. 6ff.) tells of giants who built a tower that almost reached the heavens, when it was destroyed by a thunderbolt.]. 

Sebagai rangkuman ada 3 faktor pendukung dugaan kemungkinan kaum Aad adalah bangsa yang membangun menara tertinggi di dunia atau menara babel :

  1. Ayat di Al-Qur'an menceritakan mengenai bangunan-bangunan yang sangat tinggi yang dibangun kaum Aad dan tidak pernah dibangun oleh bangsa lain di muka bumi ini. Menara babel adalah menara tertinggi di bumi.
  2. Kaum Aad adalah penerus kaum Nabi Nuh AS menurut Al-Qur'an, menara babel juga dibangun setelah kejadian "banjir besar".
  3. Kaum Aad dihancurkan oleh angin (dan petir), menara babel juga dihancurkan oleh angin (dan petir).

Sangat kuat dugaan saya bahwa kemungkinan kaum Aad adalah bangsa yang membangun menara tertinggi di dunia yaitu menara babel. Dan ini membuat saya tertarik untuk meneliti kemungkinan lain yaitu hubungan kaum Aad dengan tokoh mitologi Atlas. Ada beberapa kemiripan antara lain :

  1. Dari sisi nama Aad dan At-las mempunyai kemiripan awalan. Sebagai tambahan informasi kaum Aad sering juga disebut oleh bangsa Arab sebagai kaum Adites. Kata Adites ini dekat dengan kata Adityas yang dalam mitologi India menggambarkan para Devas. Para Adityas di mitologi India ini mempunyai banyak kesamaan dengan para Titans di mitologi Yunani. Salah satu kesamaannya adalah keduanya merupakan bangsa raksasa. Salah satu anggota dari para Titans di mitologi Yunani ini adalah Atlas.
  2. Keduanya adalah raksasa
  3. Kaum Aad adalah penerus kaum Nabi Nuh AS. Sedangkan dalam mitologi yunani bapak dari Atlas adalah Iapetus. Iapetus ini sering diduga sebagai Japeth salah satu anak Nabi Nuh AS. Di dalam bible, genesis 9:27 disebutkan : "Tuhan akan membesarkan (fisik) Japeth". Jadi Japeth dan keturunannya itu mempunyai fisik raksasa.
  4. Atlas selalu disimbolkan sebagai penopang langit dan bumi. Namun sebenarnya Atlas juga disimbolkan sebagai pemegang/pembuat pilar-pilar yang menahan langit dan bumi (ini dikisahkan dalam cerita Iliad karangan Homer). Dan ini juga diperkuat oleh kisah pilar-pilar Herkules, dimana Herkules untuk sementara memegang pilar-pilar yang tadinya dipegang oleh Atlas. Pilar-pilar ini mungkin sangatlah tinggi sehingga seakan-akan hampir menyentuh langit. Bandingkan dengan pilar-pilar kaum Aad yang dikisahkan juga sangat tinggi. Dan sebagai tambahan info Atalas dalam bahasa sanskerta juga berarti pilar.
  5. Para peneliti memperkirakan bahwa nenek moyang bangsa Arab yaitu kaum Adites merupakan keturunan seseorang yang bernama Ad yaitu cucu Ham Bin Nuh. Menurut Plato pendiri Atlantis adalah Poseidon, para peneliti berpendapat bahwa kemungkinan Poseidon adalah Sidon Bin Kanaan Bin Ham Bin Nuh (Sidon adalah cucu Ham Bin Nuh). Sedangkan Atlas adalah anak Poseidon dan raja pertama Atlantis menurut Plato.
  6. Kaum Aad digambarkan sebagai kaum yang sombong akan kekuatan mereka dan suka menyiksa dengan bengis dan kejam. Para Titans (dimana Atlas adalah salah satunya) merupakan kelompok raksasa yang tadinya menguasai dunia. Setelah itu karena kekejaman Cronus  pemimpin Titan maka Zeus mengadakan konfrontasi dan mengalahkan para Titan
One of the Twelve Labors of the hero Heracles was to fetch some of the golden apples which grow in Hera's garden, tended by Atlas' daughters, the Hesperides, and guarded by the dragon Ladon. Heracles went to Atlas and offered to hold up the heavens while Atlas got the apples from his daughters.
Upon his return with the apples, however, Atlas attempted to trick Heracles into carrying the sky permanently by offering to deliver the apples himself, as anyone who purposely took the burden must carry it forever, or until someone else took it away. Heracles, suspecting Atlas did not intend to return, pretended to agree to Atlas' offer, asking only that Atlas take the sky again for a few minutes so Heracles could rearrange his cloak as padding on his shoulders. When Atlas set down the apples and took the heavens upon his shoulders again, Heracles took the apples and ran away.
In some versions,[13] Heracles instead built the two great Pillars of Hercules to hold the sky away from the earth, liberating Atlas much as he liberated Prometheus.

The Illiad of Homer:Easyread, by Homer
"...his description of Atlas, who holds the lofty pillars which keep earth and heaven asunder...
Atlas was the son of the Titan Iapetus and the Oceanid Asia or Klyménē (Κλυμένη)
Iapetus has (for example, by Robert Graves) been equated with Japheth, the son of Noah, based on the similarity of their names and on old Jewish traditions, that held Japheth as the ancestor of the Greeks, the Slavs, the Italics, the Teutons, the Dravidians etc. (see Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews). Iapetus was linked to Japheth by 17th-century theologian Matthew Poole and more recently by John Pairman Brown.
Bible, Genesis 9:27
May God enlarge Japheth,
    and let him dwell in the tents of Shem,
    and let Canaan be his servant.

Atlas sendiri menurut teks Critias nya Plato merupakan raja dan anak pertama dari pendiri Atlantis (Poseidon).
In this mountain there dwelt one of the earth born primeval men of
that country, whose name was Evenor, and he had a wife named Leucippe,
and they had an only daughter who was called Cleito. The maiden had
already reached womanhood, when her father and mother died; Poseidon
fell in love with her and had intercourse with her, and breaking the
ground, inclosed the hill in which she dwelt all round, making
alternate zones of sea and land larger and smaller, encircling one
another; there were two of land and three of water, which he turned as
with a lathe, each having its circumference equidistant every way from
the centre, so that no man could get to the island, for ships and
voyages were not as yet. He himself, being a god, found no
difficulty in making special arrangements for the centre island,
bringing up two springs of water from beneath the earth, one of warm
water and the other of cold, and making every variety of food to
spring up abundantly from the soil. He also begat and brought up
five pairs of twin male children; and dividing the island of
Atlantis into ten portions, he gave to the first-born of the eldest
pair his mother's dwelling and the surrounding allotment, which was
the largest and best, and made him king over the rest; the others he
made princes, and gave them rule over many men, and a large territory.
And he named them all; the eldest, who was the first king, he named
Atlas, and after him the whole island and the ocean were called

Atlantis dalam bahasa yunani kuno berarti "pulau Atlas" :
Atlantis (Ancient Greek: Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος, "island of Atlas")

Para peneliti memperkirakan bahwa nenek moyang bangsa Arab yaitu kaum Adites merupakan keturunan seseorang yang bernama Ad yaitu cucu Ham Bin Nuh. :
Among the Arabians the first inhabitants of that country are known as the Adites, from their progenitor, who is called Ad, the grandson of Ham. These Adites were probably the people of Atlantis or Ad-lantis. "They are personified by a monarch to whom everything is ascribed, and to whom is assigned several centuries of life." ("Ancient History of the East," Lenormant and Chevallier, vol. ii., p. 295.)

Menurut Plato pendiri Atlantis adalah Poseidon, para peneliti berpendapat bahwa kemungkinan Poseidon adalah Sidon Bin Kanaan Bin Nuh. Sedangkan Atlas adalah anak Poseidon dan raja pertama Atlantis menurut Plato :
According to Herodotus the rituals of the Greek Gods apart from Poseidon were exactly the same as those of the Egyptian gods who were brought to Greece at the time of Cadmus c.1450 BC. Since the worship of Poseidon did not originate from Egypt Poseidon may have been identified with the Phoenician Sea God Yah or Yam. He may have been the Hyksos vassal Yakobaam who ruled in northern Sinai in about 1650 BC. If this was the case then name Poseidon may have derived from the Greek expression “apo sidon” meaning “from Sidon” or the Phoenician “Abi Sidon” or “Baal-Sidon” meaning “Father of Sidon” the city where the worship of Yah was practiced until 1300 BC.

Canaan's firstborn son was Sidon, who shares his name with the Phoenician city of Sidon in present-day Lebanon.

Mengapa ada kontradiksi antara Plato yang menyatakan Atlas adalah putra Poseidon (Sidon Bin Kanaan Bin Ham Bin Nuh) dan mitologi yunani yang menyatakan bahwa Atlas adalah putera Iapetus (Yafits Bin Nuh)? Secara logika kita seharusnya lebih mempercayai cerita Plato dibandingkan mitologi yunani, namun kedua pernyataan itu sebenarnya bisa dijelaskan karena menurut referensi dari Persia istri Kanaan adalah Arsal puteri Batawil, Batawil adalah putera Tiras dan Tiras adalah putera Yafits, jadi secara keturunan dapat dikatakan bahwa Sidon (dan Atlas putra Sidon) adalah keturunan baik Ham Bin Nuh maupun Yafits Bin Nuh .
The Persian historian Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (c. 915) recounted a tradition that the wife of Canaan was named Arsal, a daughter of Batawil son of Tiras, and that she bore him the "Blacks, Nubians, Fezzan, Zanj, Zaghawah, and all the peoples of the Sudan.
Tiras was, according to Genesis 10 and Chronicles 1, the last-named son of Japheth who is otherwise unmentioned in the Hebrew Bible

Menariknya hal yang sama juga dijumpai dalam mitologi India, dimana disebutkan para Devas atau Adityas (Kaum Aad/Atlas/Atlantis?), Ashuras (Daityas dan Danavas-Manusia Ikan?, keturunan Ashur Bin Sam Bin Nuh juga?), Nagas (Ular/Manusia Ular?), Apsaras(Manusia Ikan?) dan Garudas (Burung/Manusia Burung?)  semuanya adalah keturunan dari Kashyap. Sedangkan Kashyap sendiri disebut sebagai salah satu dari 7 Saptarishi yang selamat bersama Manu(Nabi Nuh AS?), ini juga menarik karena kemungkinan keluarga Nabi Nuh AS yang selamat dari banjir bah adalah 7 orang (3 anak Nabi Nuh AS beserta istri2nya ditambah Nabi Nuh AS). 
Namun dalam referensi mitologi India yang lain, para Devas adalah keturunan dari Dyaus Pita yang menurut beberapa peneliti adalah nama lain dari Yafits Bin Nuh.
Referensi :
He was the father of the DevasAsurasNagas and all of humanity.

Dugaan saya pribadi Kahsyap adalah Cush/Kush Bin Ham Bin Nuh atau anak Ham dan cucu Nabi Nuh AS. Dan menurut referensi dari Persia, istri dari Kush adalah  Qarnabil, anak dari Batawil, dimana Batawil adalah anak dari Tiras, dan Tiras adalah salah satu anak Yafits Bin Nuh, dan juga disebutkan Kush adalah leluhur orang-orang India. 
Referensi :
The Persian historian Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (c. 915) recounts a tradition that the wife of Cush was named Qarnabil, daughter of Batawil, son of Tiras, and that she bore him the "Abyssinians, Sindis and Indians".

Selain itu  ada tambahan informasi yang menguatkan dari mitologi India dimana dikatakan bahwa anak-anak perempuan Prajpati lah yang diambil istri oleh Kashyap (Kush). Sedangkan Prajpati menurut beberapa peneliti adalah Japheth (Yafits Bin Nuh).

Referensi :

The Prajapati Daksha gave his thirteen daughters (Aditi, Diti, Kadru, Danu, Arishta, Surasa, Surabhi, Vinata, Tamra, Krodhavaśā, Idā, Vishva and Muni in marriage to Kashyapa.
Japheth has been identified by some scholars with figures from other religious systems and mythologies, including Iapetus (Japetus), the Greek Titan;the Indian figures Dyaus Pitar and Pra-Japati, and the Roman Iu-Pater or "Father Jove", which became Jupiter.

Jadi bisa juga diindikasikan bahwa para Devas(Adityas/Aad/Atlas/Atlantis) adalah gabungan keturunan dari Yafits Bin Nuh dan Ham Bin Nuh. Dan juga bisa diindikasikan bahwa salah satu keturunan Kashyap yaitu para Ashura (Danava dan Daityas) adalah juga keturunan Ashur Bin Sam Bin Nuh. Jadi sebenarnya ada percampuran antara keturunan anak-anak Nabi Nuh AS (Yafits, Sam dan Ham).

Referensi :
Ashur (אַשּוּר; often also transliterated as Asshur to reflect the pointing of Hebrew letter 'ש' (Shin) in the Masoretic text, which doubles the 'ש'), was the second son of Shem, the son of Noah. Ashur's brothers were ElamArphaxadLud, and Aram.

Kemungkinan yang terjadi adalah keturunan Yafits menjajah keturunan Kanaan (Ham) yang tadinya juga menjajah daerah keturunan Sam, ini diindikasikan dalam Bible :
Referensi :
Bible, Genesis 9:27
May God enlarge Japheth,
    and let him dwell in the tents of Shem,
    and let Canaan be his servant.

Agak mirip dengan narasi Ibnu Ishaq :
Ibnu Ishaq mengatakan bahwa Nuh mendoakan ketiga putranya. Nuh mendoakan keturunan Sam menjadi nabi-nabi dan rasul. Nuh mendoakan keturunan Yafith untuk menjadi raja-raja, sedangkan dari keturunan Ham dia doakan agar menjadi abdi dari keturunan Yafith dan Sam.

Menurut bible pendiri Tower of Babel adalah Nimrod anak dari Kush Bin Ham Bin Nuh.

Nimrod (/ˈnɪm.rɒd/, Hebrew: נִמְרוֹדֿ, Modern Nimrod Tiberian Nimrōḏ Aramaic: ܢܡܪܘܕ‎ Arabic: نمرود, Namrood‎), king of Shinar, was, according to the Book of Genesis and Books of Chronicles, the son of Cush and great-grandson of Noah.

The first mention of Nimrod is in the Table of Nations. He is described as the son of Cush, grandson of Ham, and great-grandson of Noah; and as "a mighty one on the earth" and "a mighty hunter before God".
In Hebrew and Christian tradition, Nimrod is considered the leader of those who built the Tower of Babel in the land of Shinar...

Menurut Frank Joseph penulis buku "The Atlantis Encyclopedia" ada beberapa kemiripan antara kaum Aad (Adites) dan kaum Atlantis (Atlanteans) antara lain :

  1. Kaum Aad terkenal dengan kota yang berpilar-pilar tinggi. Menurut Plato, Atlanteans mempunyai tradisi mengorbankan hewan di depan pilar.
  2. Kaum Aad berfisik raksasa sama dengan deskripsi Atlanteans
  3. Kaum Adites(Aad) diceritakan merupakan penghuni tertua di Arab Saudi. (Atlantis diceritakan oleh Plato hancur sekitar 11,000 tahun yang lalu.)
  4. Kaum Adites(Aad) sering dideskripsikan berambut merah dan ini mirip dengan deskripsi mitologi Atlantis di beberapa tempat seperti di Mesir, Irlandia, Winnebago, dsb.
  5. Kaum Adites(Aad) mempunyai 10 raja yang memerintah beberapa tempat di seluruh penjuru dunia secara bersamaan, ini mirip dengan kisah 10 raja Atlantis sesuai deskripsi Plato dalam teks Critias.
  6. Kaum Adites tiba di Saudi Arabia setelah meninggalkan tempat kaum Aad yang hancur oleh bencana angin dahsyat dari awan hitam. Ini mungkin mirip dengan bencana Atlantis.

The Atlantis Encyclopedia, Frank Joseph, page 12-13
A palatial island capital punished for the wickedness of its inhabitants by a terrible flood. The story of Ad is preserved in pre-Islamic traditions and mentioned in the Holy Koran,which condemned its inhabitants for building "high places for vain uses." The Adites were said to have "worshiped the sun form the tops of pyramids," a singularly un-Arabic practice more evocative of life in Atlantis.
Ad was known as "the City of Pillars," or "the Land of Bronze." Plato similary describe the pillar cult of the Atlanteans, while their city was the pre-classical world's foremost clearinghouse for the bronze trade.
In Arabic tradition, the Adites are portrayed as giants (the Atlantean Titans of Greek Mythology), superior architects and builders who raised great stone monuments. Even today, rural tribes of Saudi Arabia refer to any ancient ruins of prodigious size as "buildings of the Adites," and apply expression "as old as Ad" to anything of extreme age. In the 19th century, the royal monarch of the Mussulman tribes was Shedd-Ad-Ben-Ad, or "Descendant and Son of Ad." The progenitor of the Arab peoples was Ad, grandson of the biblical Ham.
The Adites are still regarded as the earliest inhabitants of Arabia. They were referred to as "red men", for the light color of their hair. Several accounts of Atlantis(Egyptian, Irish, Winnebago, etc.) depict the Atlanteans, at least in part, as redheads. The Adites had 10 kings r uling various parts of the world simultaneously--the same number and disposition described by Plato in his Atlantis account, Kritias.
The Adites arrived in the country after Ad was annihilated by a colossal black cloud with the ferocity of a hurricane, an obvious reference to the volcanic eruption that accompanied the destruction of Atlantis.
"Ad" is still the name of a Semitic tribe in the province of Hadramut, Saudi Arabia, whose elders claimed descent from their eponymous ancestor, the great-grandson of Noah.

Ignatius Donelly penulis buku "Atlantis, the Antediluvian World" menyatakan beberapa kemiripan antara kaum Adites(Aad) dan Atlanteans antara lain :

  1. Merupakan kaum pendahulu dari jaman yang sangat tua
  2. Bertubuh raksasa
  3. Gemar membuat bangunan-bangunan besar dan tinggi
  4. Suka memuja benda-benda langit seperti matahari, bintang, dsb.
  5. Kata Adites dekat dengan kata Adityas yang merupakan kelompok dewa India, dan Adityas ini bisa dikaitkan dengan Titans, kelompok dewa yunani dimana salah satunya adalah Atlas (raja pertama Atlantis).
Atlantis, the Antediluvian World, by Ignatius Donnelly
p. 276
WE find allusions to the Atlanteans in the most ancient traditions of many different races.
The great antediluvian king of the Mussulman was Shedd-Ad-Ben-Ad, or Shed-Ad, the son of Ad, or Atlantis.
Among the Arabians the first inhabitants of that country are known as the Adites, from their progenitor, who is called Ad, the grandson of Ham. These Adites were probably the people of Atlantis or Ad-lantis. "They are personified by a monarch to whom everything is ascribed, and to whom is assigned several centuries of life." ("Ancient History of the East," Lenormant and Chevallier, vol. ii., p. 295.), Ad came from the northeast. "He married a thousand wives, had four thousand sons, and lived twelve hundred years. His descendants multiplied considerably. After his death his sons Shadid and Shedad reigned in succession over the Adites. In the time of the latter the people of Ad were a thousand tribes, each composed of several thousands of men. Great conquests are attributed to Shedad; he subdued, it is said, all Arabia and Irak. The migration of the Canaanites, their establishment in Syria, and the Shepherd invasion of Egypt are, by many Arab writers, attributed to an expedition of Shedad." (Ibid., p. 296.)
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Shedad built a palace ornamented with superb columns, and surrounded by a magnificent garden. It was called Irem. "It was a paradise that Shedad had built in imitation of the celestial Paradise, of whose delights he had heard." ("Ancient History of the East," p. 296.) In other words, an ancient, sun-worshipping, powerful, and conquering race overran Arabia at the very dawn of history; they were the sons of Adlantis: their king tried to create a palace and garden of Eden like that of Atlantis.
The Adites are remembered by the Arabians as a great and civilized race. "They are depicted as men of gigantic stature; their strength was equal to their size, and they easily moved enormous blocks of stone." (Ibid.) They were architects and builders. "They raised many monuments of their power; and hence, among the Arabs, arose the custom of calling great ruins "buildings of the Adites." To this day the Arabs say "as old as Ad." In the Koran allusion is made to the edifices they built on "high places for vain uses;" expressions proving that their "idolatry was considered to have been tainted with Sabæism or star-worship." (Ibid.) "In these legends," says Lenormant, "we find traces of a wealthy nation, constructors of great buildings, with an advanced civilization, analogous to that of Chaldea, professing a religion similar to the Babylonian; a nation, in short, with whom material progress was allied to great moral depravity and obscene rites. These facts must be true and strictly historical, for they are everywhere met with among the Cushites, as among the Canaanites, their brothers by origin."
Nor is there wanting a great catastrophe which destroys the whole Adite nation, except a very few who escape because they had renounced idolatry. A black cloud assails their country, from which proceeds a terrible hurricane (the water-spout?) which sweeps away everything.
The first Adites were followed by a second Adite race; probably the colonists who had escaped the Deluge. The centre of its power was the country of Sheba proper. This empire
p. 278
endured for a thousand years. The Adites are represented upon the Egyptian monuments as very much like the Egyptians themselves; in other words, they were a red or sunburnt race: their great temples were pyramidal, surmounted by buildings. ("Ancient History of the East," p. 321.) "The Sabæans," says Agatharchides ("De Mari Erythræo," p. 102), "have in their houses an incredible number of vases, and utensils of all sorts, of gold and silver, beds and tripods of silver, and all the furniture of astonishing richness. Their buildings have porticos with columns sheathed with gold, or surmounted by capitals of silver. On the friezes, ornaments, and the framework of the doors they place plates of gold incrusted with precious stones."
All this reminds one of the descriptions given by the Spaniards of the temples of the sun in Peru.
The Adites worshipped the gods of the Phœnicians under names but slightly changed; "their religion was especially solar... It was originally a religion without images, without idolatry, and without a priesthood." (Ibid., p. 325.) They "worshipped the sun from the tops of pyramids." (Ibid.) They believed in the immortality of the soul.
In all these things we see resemblances to the Atlanteans.
The great Ethiopian or Cushite Empire, which in the earliest ages prevailed, as Mr. Rawlinson says, "from the Caucasus to the Indian Ocean, from the shores of the Mediterranean to the mouth of the Ganges," was the empire of Dionysos, the empire of "Ad," the empire of Atlantis. El Eldrisi called the language spoken to this day by the Arabs of Mahrah, in Eastern Arabia, "the language of the people of Ad," and Dr. J. H. Carter, in the Bombay Journal of July, 1847, says, "It is the softest and sweetest language I have ever heard." It would be interesting to compare this primitive tongue with the languages of Central America.
The god Thoth of the Egyptians, who was the god of a foreign country, and who invented letters, was called At-hothes.
p. 279
We turn now to another ancient race, the Indo-European family--the Aryan race.
In Sanscrit Adim, means first. Among the Hindoos the first man was Ad-ima, his wife was Heva. They dwelt upon an island, said to be Ceylon; they left the island and reached the main-land, when, by a great convulsion of nature, their communication with the parent land was forever cut off. (See "Bible in India.")
Here we seem to have a recollection of the destruction of Atlantis.
Mr. Bryant says, "Ad and Ada signify the first." The Persians called the first man "Ad-amah." "Adon" was one of the names of the Supreme God of the Phœnicians; from it was derived the name of the Greek god "Ad-onis." The Arv-ad of Genesis was the Ar-Ad of the Cushites; it is now known as Ru-Ad. It is a series of connected cities twelve miles in length, along the coast, full of the most massive and gigantic ruins.
Sir William Jones gives the tradition of the Persians as to the earliest ages. He says: "Moshan assures us that in the opinion of the best informed Persians the first monarch of Iran, and of the whole earth, was Mashab-Ad; that he received from the Creator, and promulgated among men a sacred book, in a heavenly language, to which the Mussulman author gives the Arabic title of 'Desatir,' or 'Regulations.' Mashab-Ad was, in the opinion of the ancient Persians, the person left at the end of the last great cycle, and consequently the father of the present world. He and his wife having survived the former cycle, were blessed with a numerous progeny; he planted gardens, invented ornaments, forged weapons, taught men to take the fleece from sheep and make clothing; he built cities, constructed palaces, fortified towns, and introduced arts and commerce."
We have already seen that the primal gods of this people are identical with the gods of the Greek mythology, and were
p. 280
originally kings of Atlantis. But it seems that these ancient divinities are grouped together as "the Aditya;" and in this name "Ad-itya" we find a strong likeness to the Semitic "Adites," and another reminiscence of Atlantis, or Adlantis. In corroboration of this view we find,
1. The gods who are grouped together as the Aditya are the most ancient in the Hindoo mythology.
2. They are all gods of light, or solar gods. (Whitney's Oriental and Linguistic Studies," p. 39.)
3. There are twelve of them. (Ibid.)
4. These twelve gods presided over twelve months in the year.
5. They are a dim recollection of a very remote past. Says Whitney, "It seems as if here was an attempt on the part of the Indian religion to take a new development in a moral direction, which a change in the character and circumstances of the people has caused to fail in the midst, and fall back again into forgetfulness, while yet half finished and indistinct." (Ibid.)
6. These gods are called "the sons of Aditi," just as in the Bible we have allusions to "the sons of Adab," who were the first metallurgists and musicians. "Aditi is not a goddess. She is addressed as a queen's daughter, she of fair children."
7. The Aditya "are elevated above all imperfections; they do not sleep or wink." The Greeks represented their gods as equally wakeful and omniscient. "Their character is all truth; they hate and punish guilt." We have seen the same traits ascribed by the Greeks to the Atlantean kings.
8. The sun is sometimes addressed as an Aditya.
9. Among the Aditya is Varuna, the equivalent of Uranos, whose identification with Atlantis I have shown. In the vedas Varuna is "the god of the ocean."
10. The Aditya represent an earlier and purer form of religion: "While in hymns to the other deities long: life, wealth, power, are the objects commonly prayed for, of the Aditya is
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craved purity, forgiveness of sin, freedom from guilt, and repentance." ("Oriental and Linguistic Studies," p. 43.)
11. The Aditya, like the Adites, are identified with the doctrine of the immortality of the soul. Yama is the god of the abode beyond the grave. In the Persian story he appears as Yima, and "is made ruler of the golden age and founder of the Paradise." (Ibid., p. 45.) (See "Zamna," p. 167 ante.)
In view of all these facts, one cannot doubt that the legends of the "sons of Ad," "the Adites," and "the Aditya," all refer to Atlantis.
Mr. George Smith, in the Chaldean account of the Creation (p. 78), deciphered from the Babylonian tablets, shows that there was an original race of men at the beginning of Chaldean history, a dark race, the Zalmat-qaqadi, who were called Ad-mi, or Ad-ami; they were the race "who had fallen," and were contradistinguished from "the Sarku, or light race." The "fall" probably refers to their destruction by a deluge, in consequence of their moral degradation and the indignation of the gods. The name Adam is used in these legends, but as the name of a race, not of a man.
Genesis (chap. v., 2) distinctly says that God created man male and female, and "called their name Adam." That is to say, the people were the Ad-ami, the people of "Ad," or Atlantis. "The author of the Book of Genesis," says M. Schœbel, "in speaking of the men who were swallowed up by the Deluge, always describes them as 'Haadam,' 'Adamite humanity.'" The race of Cain lived and multiplied far away from the land of Seth; in other words, far from the land destroyed by the Deluge. Josephus, who gives us the primitive traditions of the Jews, tells us (chap. ii., p. 42) that "Cain travelled over many countries" before he came to the land of Nod. The Bible does not tell us that the race of Cain perished in the Deluge. "Cain went out from the presence of Jehovah;" he did not call on his name; the people that were destroyed were the "sons of Jehovah." All this indicates
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that large colonies had been sent out by the mother-land before it sunk in the sea.
Across the ocean we find the people of Guatemala claiming their descent from a goddess called At-tit, or grandmother, who lived for four hundred years, and first taught the worship of the true God, which they afterward forgot. (Bancroft's "Native Races," vol. iii., p. 75.) While the famous Mexican calendar stone shows that the sun was commonly called tonatiuh but when it was referred to as the god of the Deluge it was then called Atl-tona-ti-uh, or At-onatiuh. (Valentini's "Mexican Calendar Stone," art. Maya Archæology, p. 15.)
We thus find the sons of Ad at the base of all the most ancient races of men, to wit, the Hebrews, the Arabians, the Chaldeans, the Hindoos, the Persians, the Egyptians, the Ethiopians, the Mexicans, and the Central Americans; testimony that all these races traced their beginning back to a dimly remembered Ad-lantis.

Bisa disimpulkan bahwa kaum Adites yang diketahui oleh bangsa Arab bukanlah kaum Aad yang pertama melainkan merupakan sisa-sisa manusia yang selamat dari bencana kaum Aad dan pindah ke Arab Selatan.  Ini sebenarnya sesuai dengan ayat Al-Qur'an :
..dan bahwasanya Dia-lah Tuhan (yang memiliki) bintang syi`ra,
dan bahwasanya Dia telah membinasakan kaum Ad yang pertama,
dan kaum Tsamud. Maka tidak seorang pun yang ditinggalkan-Nya (hidup).
Dan kaum Nuh sebelum itu. Sesungguhnya mereka adalah orang-orang yang paling lalim dan paling durhaka,

(QS An-Najm : 49-52)

Dan mungkin sekali kaum Aad juga mempunyai ritual pemujaan terhadap benda-benda langit misalnya terhadap bintang Sirius. Kalau kita telaah kaum Adites yang mendarat di Arab Selatan akhirnya berkembang menjadi kaum Saba yang kita tahu memuja matahari.

Dan situs Gobekli Tepe yang berusia 11,000 tahun (sama dengan waktu kehancuran Atlantis menurut Plato) juga sepertinya mengkultuskan bintang Sirius

Bisa dilihat kesamaan-kesamaan sebagai berikut :

  1. Menurut bible pendiri Tower of Babel adalah Nimrod anak dari Kush Bin Ham Bin Nuh, sedangkan menurut book of jubilee tinggi Tower of Babel adalah 2,484 meter, ini adalah bangunan yang tertinggi di dunia dan belum ada yang menyamainya sampai saat ini.
  2. Menurut Al-Qur'an kaum Aad mendirikan Pilar-pilar yang sangat tinggi yang belum pernah dibuat sebelumnya di muka bumi.
  3. Menurut mitologi yunani Atlas menopang Langit dan Bumi dan disimbolkan dengan Pilar yang menjulang tinggi menyentuh langit. Bapak dari Atlas menurut mitologi yunani adalah Iapetus yang kemungkinan adalah Yafits Bin Nuh. Sedangkan menurut Plato, bapak dari Atlas adalah Poseidon yang kemungkinan adalah Sidon bin Kanaan bin Ham bin Nuh.
  4. Menurut mitologi India Kashyap adalah bapak dari para Adityas yang juga dikenal sebagai para Devas. Kashyap kemungkinan adalah Kush bin Ham Bin Nuh, sedangkan para Adityas kemungkinan adalah kaum Aad. Istri-istri Kashyap adalah anak-anak Prajpati atau Yafits Bin Nuh. Jadi kaum Aad kemungkinan adalah keturunan Yafits dan Ham. Ini juga sesuai narasi bible dimana pendiri Tower of Babel adalah Nimrod anak dari Kush Bin Ham Bin Nuh. Sesuai juga dengan legenda bangsa Arab bahwa kaum Adites (Aad) adalah keturunan Ham Bin Nuh. Jadi para Adityas dari mitologi India itu kemungkinan adalah Nimrod dan kaumnya yang membangun Tower of Babel yang mempunyai tinggi 2,484 meter, ini yang disebutkan oleh Al-Qur'an sebagai kaum Aad yang membangun Pilar-pilar Iram yang tidak pernah dibuat sebelumnya di muka bumi ini. Dan ini yang disebut sebagai Atlas dalam mitologi Yunani yang juga terkenal dengan pilarnya yang sampai menyentuh langit, dan Atlas juga merupakan anak dari Iapetus atau Yafits bin Nuh.
  5. Kaum Aad dihancurkan oleh angin menurut Al-Qur'an. Menurut bible menara babel juga dihancurkan oleh angin. Menurut mitologi india, Indra pemimpin para Adityas (Devas) adalah Penguasa Angin Badai dan Petir. Menurut mitologi yunani, para Titans (kelompok raksasa dimana Atlas adalah salah satunya) dihancurkan oleh Zeus Sang Penguasa Angin Badai dan Petir
  6. Kaum Aad digambarkan sebagai kaum yang sombong akan kekuatan mereka dan suka menyiksa dengan bengis dan kejam atau bisa juga dikatakan kaum Aad mempunyai ciri kaum penjajah/imperialis. Di bible disebutkan :  Tuhan "membesarkan" Yafits Bin Nuh (dan keturunannya?) dan Ia akan tinggal di tenda2 milik Sam Bin Nuh (dan keturunannya?) dan Kanaan Bin Ham Bin Nuh (dan keturunannya?) akan menjadi pelayan2nya. Di mitologi India, para Adityas (Devas) dipuja dan disembah. Di mitologi yunani, para Titans (dimana Atlas adalah salah satunya) merupakan kelompok raksasa yang tadinya menguasai dunia. Setelah itu karena kekejaman Cronus  pemimpin Titan maka Zeus mengadakan konfrontasi dan mengalahkan para Titan

Sebagai tambahan informasi dari mitologi India ada kisah daerah Patala yang merupakan daerah tempat tinggal para Asura. Daerah Patala dibagi menjadi :
  1. Atala
  2. Vitala
  3. Sutala
  4. Talatala
  5. Mahatala
  6. Rasatala
  7. Patala (Nagaloka)

Referensi :

Salah satu daerah Patala yaitu "Atala" sangat mirip pengucapannya dengan "Atlantis". 

Kalau kisah kaum Aad bisa kita temui di mitologi India maka bagaimana dengan kisah Pilar-pilar Iram atau Menara Babel atau pilar Atlas? Di dalam mitologi India terdapat kisah gunung Meru yang dideskripsikan sangat tinggi. Dan ternyata pada awal abad ke-20 seorang berkebangsaan Hungaria Marac Aurel Stein menemukan "Manuskrip-manuskrip Dunhuang" yang diperkirakan berasal dari abad ke-2 Masehi di dalam gua "Seribu Budha". Menariknya salah satu dokumen menggambarkan gunung "Meru" sebagai sebuah "Menara". Mungkinkah ini wujud asli gunung "Meru" yaitu sebuah menara yang sangat tinggi yang disebut juga "Menara Babel"?

Iram dalam bahasa yahudi berarti bercahaya/bersinar(shinning)

Jadi  ayat ini :
 (yaitu) penduduk Iram yang mempunyai bangunan-bangunan yang tinggi, (QS Al-Fajr:7)

Bisa diartikan penduduk kota bercahaya yang mempunyai bangunan-bangunan yang tinggi. Ini mirip dengan deskripsi kota metropolitan di jaman modern. Kota Atlantis  menurut Plato dalam teks Critias mempunyai bangunan-bangunan yang dilapisi emas karena itu pantas bila disebut kota bercahaya (Iram). Atau bisa juga kemungkinan peradaban Atlantis memiliki teknologi yang sudah maju sehingga mempunyai teknologi lampu sehingga di malam hari kotanya terlihat bercahaya.

Kalau kita melihat deskripsi menara babel (kaum Aad) dari bible genesis chapter 11 lokasinya di suatu tempat di arah Timur yang bernama Shinar. Coba banding dengan dengan deskripsi Iram dalam bahasa yahudi yang juga berarti bersinar/bercahaya. Sedangkan kata "Sinar" dalam bahasa melayu mirip dengan kata "Shinar" yang dikutip bible. Bahkan arahnya pun ke arah timur, dengan asumsi bahwa bahtera Nabi Nuh AS mendarat di sebuah tempat di timur tengah maka arah timur dari timur tengah mengarah ke benua Asia. Saya jadi ingat buku tulisan alm. Prof. Arysio Nunes dos Santos "Atlantis The Lost Continent Finally Found" dan buku terbaru tulisan Dr.Danny Hilman "Plato Tidak Bohong" yang keduanya mengindikasikan bahwa letak Atlantis adalah di Indonesia.

Kalau kita perhatikan kata-kata "Apakah kamu mendirikan pada tiap-tiap tanah tinggi bangunan untuk bermain-main " dalam QS Asy-Syu'araa :128. Sebenarnya ini mirip deskripsi Atlantis yang juga mempunyai banyak dataran tinggi menurut Plato dalam teks Critias :
The whole country was said by him to be very lofty and precipitous on the side
of the sea...

Namun demikian deskripsi kehancuran kaum Aad oleh angin dan petir ternyata tidak sama dengan deskripsi kehancuran Atlantis oleh Plato dalam teks Critias yang dideskripsikan terjadi dalam 1 hari oleh bencana gempa dan banjir :
But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea.

Bencana tersebut menurut saya lebih mirip dengan bencana yang menimpa kaum Tsamud:“Karena itu mereka ditimpa gempa, maka jadilah mereka mayat-mayat yang bergelimpangan di tempat tinggal mereka.” (Surat Al-A’raaf ayat 78).

Kaum Tsamud ini menurut Al-Qur'an adalah pewaris/penerus langsung kaum Aad dan juga mendapatkan tanah mereka. 
Dan ingatlah olehmu di waktu Tuhan menjadikam kamu pengganti-pengganti (yang berkuasa) sesudah kaum 'Aad dan memberikan tempat bagimu di bumi. Kamu dirikan istana-istana di tanah-tanahnya yang datar dan kamu pahat gunung-gunungnya untuk dijadikan rumah; maka ingatlah nikmat-nikmat Allah dan janganlah kamu merajalela di muka bumi membuat kerusakan. (QS Al-A'raf : 74)

Kaum Tsamud mempunyai kekhususan yaitu mereka gemar memahat gunung untuk dijadikan tempat tinggal. Banyak orang mengira bahwa bangunan yang demikian hanya ada di Mada'in Saleh, Arab Saudi padahal bangunan-bangunan yang mirip pembuatannya terdapat juga di berbagai penjuru dunia :

Seperti kaum Nabi Nuh AS yang tersebar di penjuru bumi, kaum Aad dan kaum Tsamud sepertinya juga tersebar secara global di seluruh penjuru bumi. Menurut saya pribadi kemungkinan kaum Aad adalah kaum Atlantis generasi pertama yang dihancurkan oleh angin sedangkan kaum Tsamud adalah kaum Atlantis generasi kedua yang dihancurkan oleh gempa sesuai deskripsi Plato dalam teks Critias.

Dan kalau kita perhatikan kata-kata "Kamu dirikan istana-istana di tanah-tanahnya yang datar ..." dalam QS Al-A'raf : 74, kata-kata "tanah-tanahnya yang datar" ini mirip dengan deskripsi Plato dalam teks Critias mengenai dataran yang datar di Atlantis.
The whole country was said by him to be very lofty and precipitous on the side
of the sea, but the country immediately about and surrounding the city
was a level plain, itself surrounded by mountains which descended
towards the sea; it was smooth and even, and of an oblong shape,
extending in one direction three thousand stadia, but across the
centre inland it was two thousand stadia. 

Dan dalam teks Critias diceritakan juga bagaimana Poseidon mengubah bukit pusat kota Atlantis menjadi lingkaran-lingkaran benteng yang mengalir air diantaranya. Ini pada prinsipnya sama dengan keahlian memahat gunung kaum Tsamud.

Menariknya ada legenda Mount Shasta di AS yang mengisahkan cerita sebuah peradaban peninggalan Lemuria yang sekitar 11,000 tahun yang lalu mengungsi ( karena sebuah bencana maha dahsyat di Lemuria) ke dalam gunung Mount Shasta. Dikisahkan peradaban tersebut membangun sebuah kota bawah tanah di dalam gunung Mount Shasta. Kemampuan ini mirip dengan kemampuan kaum Tsamud (Nabi Saleh  AS) yang bisa memahat gunung untuk dijadikan tempat tinggal.Bencana yang menimpa Atlantis diperkirakan terjadi sekitar 11,000 tahun yang lalu, ini sebuah kebetulan yang sangat menarik. Apakah Lemuria dan Atlantis itu sama? Beberapa sumber menyatakan bahwa Atlantis adalah penerus Lemuria.   Kita tahu kaum Tsamud adalah penerus dari kaum Aad. Apakah Lemuria mengacu ke peradaban yang dibangun pertama kali oleh kaum Aad? Apakah Atlantis mengacu ke peradaban kaum Tsamud? Wallahualam ...

Kapan kiranya kaum Aad muncul di muka bumi dan dimanakah lokasi peradaban kaum Aad ini?

Bersambung ke artikel "Misteri kisah manusia-manusia raksasa : Nephilim dan kaum Ad" dan  "Lokasi peradaban kaum Aad (Long Iram, Kutai Barat, Kalimantan Timur)"...

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